Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Vote out the weirdo, teacher's orders

Down in Florida, a teacher was reassigned after having her class vote a kid out of it. The article gives the details, but this really bothers me. The child in question is on the autism spectrum, although it does not specify if it is autism, Asperger's Syndrome, or something else. Even if it is on the Aspergers side of things, this kid is going to have a tough go of things as it is. Aspies tend to have trouble reading social cues, and so they have trouble adjusting to societal norms, with bad consequences. So, as I said, this kid is not going to have an easy time with his peers. Then, to have a scarring experience like a teacher getting the rest of the class to gang up on him and kick him out is completely inexcusable. Not only should she be fired, she should have her teaching license suspended and/or revoked. She should not be allowed to practice her chosen profession for a couple of years at least.

For a really interesting look at the life of a person with Aspergers, read Look Me in the Eye by John Elder Robison. I got it for Christmas from my sister because I had trouble finding it myself. I have a nephew who is an Aspie, and I sometimes wonder if I am one too (albeit undiagnosed).

Hat tip: Anti-Strib

1 comment:

Marge said...

Amen, Mikey. Great post.