Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ten years ago

It was ten years ago tomorrow (May 28th) when one of the few celebrity deaths I actually was upset about happened. Phil Hartman was murdered in a domestic dispute by his wife Brynn. In 1998, he was on the underrated TV show Newsradio, and was the voice for two of the best side characters on The Simpsons, Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz. He was the star of my all-time favorite Saturday Night Live sketch, The Sinatra Group (partial video). Come on, with a line like "I got chunks of guys like you in my stool," it has to be amongst the best ever. Phil Hartman was omnipresent, and TV was better for it.

Phil Hartman was a genius. I wish I could be one-tenth as funny as he was.


Mr. D said...

I wish I could be one-tenth as funny as he was.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

We all wish the same thing for you, sir.

(rim shot)

Man, I love hanging curveballs.

Good post, though!

Mike said...

To use another quote from that sketch:

"Shut up you waste of space! Just be glad you get to hang with me!"

Marge said...

Ten years ago. Seriously.

I can't believe that. Hartman's death was a shock - and Mike, I can remember how extremely angry you were!

However, have to agree with you on the SNL skit. Whatever you say, Chairman! Thanks for finding the whole thing. I had a good laugh!