Sunday, May 4, 2008

I can't believe it...

...something I used to say as a kid to avoid eating vegetables is actually being seriously discussed. In Switzerland, that means plant rights. Found through this post on True North.

When I was a kid, I used to claim that I was a carnivore and that I didn't eat plants because I believed in plant rights. It's a throwaway line, never meant to be taken seriously. I would say it when people saw me not eating veggies, and I would sometimes say it to people I knew who were into animal rights, in an attempt to demonstrate the folly that is the animal rights movement.

But, I didn't think I would see the day that someone would take that concept seriously. The Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology has said that the dignity of plants needs to be taken into account when handling them. Plants have dignity? When did this happen?

I may have to start eating more veggies in protest. If I throw down a salad in Zurich, could I get arrested now?

Read the whole article (the plant rights link....links to The Weekly Standard). I am not sure I agree with the lack of Judeo-Christian ethos leading to this, but I do think this sets a really bad precedent.


Unknown said...

I agree. This craziness has gone too far. "Plants have dignity" has to be one of the most inane things I have ever heard.

Deron Arnold

P.S. Like your title header...wish I had thought of that.

Mike said...

You know, it just occurred to me that some plants may have been abused in the formulation of the plant rights platform.

Deron - Thanks for the comment. I read your blog, and am truly sorry to read about your having cystic fibrosis. Here's hoping you get the transplant you need and beat the odds. Your faith during this is nothing short of amazing. You will find yourself on the blogroll shortly.