Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I've been maimed....I mean memed

So Mr. D tagged me, and the deal is I have 150 characters to send a message to the world, and apparently it does not have to be in a bottle. Wow, how can I put my philosophy in 150 characters or less? It took KRS-One a lot more than 150 characters to lay down his philosophy. At least punctuation doesn't count. OK, here goes...oh, this is my message. It's also something to which I aspire. I'm trying.

Live life to the fullest. Take a chance. Cherish family and friends. Believe in something, it's too cold of a world if you don't. The world is funny, laugh at it sometimes!!

132 characters. Not bad. So, now I have to tag someone else. OK, Deron, you're it. I am certain you will come up with something better.

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

Nicely done, number one.