Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recount time

The Minnesota Senate race has a certified result, with Norm Coleman being all of 215 votes ahead of Al Franken going into the recount which begins tomorrow. This promises to be a pretty contentious recount, as the Coleman and Franken clearly have little use for each other. Here are the questions I have:

1. How many people are going to be watching the counters on this? I know Coleman has dispatched an army of lawyers to contest ballots, and Franken likely has as well. How will this affect the counting?

2. Is there a standard that is uniform that will determine what counts as a vote? If so, what is that standard? I am inclined to think that people should have to follow instructions in order for their vote to count. But, I will be OK as long as there is a standard that all have to follow. But, the instructions were pretty clear to me on my ballot.

3. I know many on the right question the integrity of Mark Ritchie. In the times I have seen him, he seems to want to do this right....but, what does he believe to be right? I am inclined to take him at his word for now.

So, as things progress, I will post as I feel inclined. In the meantime, may the process go smoothly and that the right person wins, whoever he may be.

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