Thursday, October 23, 2008

Stinger rant #1 - Update

One of my first rants (I really thought rants would be a regular feature here) was about healthy people using the handicapped button that opens doors. Recently, I have seen the most egregious example yet. Every once in awhile, including today, I see guys at the gym using the cripple button....AT THE GYM!!! Christ, does opening a door interfere with your workout??!!! I can just picture some meathead who grunts loud enough for people in St. Paul to hear when lifting weights saying, "yeah I can bench 500, but opening the door messes with my I hit the button."

Here's the deal...if you can bench 300 lbs, run 3 miles and/or hog the treadmill for hours on end, or swim 1000 meters, you can open a freaking door!! Grrrrr.......


Gino said...

i always wondered why a gym needed a cripple door...

my name is Amanda said...

Har har, perhaps you should shift the focus of your rants from rants in general, to always ranting about the handicap button.

I started making a confession in here, but it got too long (I have a problem with verbosity) so I decided to make a short blog entry of it instead!

Mike said...

There are so many permutations of my disdain for healthy people using the handicap button that I could probably rename the blog "Cripple Button Nation," and go all Lewis Black on the topic.

Marge said...

Mike, you make me laugh. Keep fighting the good fight, brusker! "Cripple Button Nation"... has a nice ring to it...