Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Well, I'll give the old man credit...

...he's got some fight left in him. I will not say he's winning so far. But, at least he has a few punches that are hitting. More to come later....

8:54 - I guess this is an attempt to live blog. Anyway, I have to say I really like this debate format.

8:56 - Health care. This is where Obama is going to get points. Never mind that his plan works towards socialized medicine. Costs need to be contained. I really think they would go down if we as consumers of health care actually felt the cost. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that. Maybe one of my two commenters has an idea.

9:01 - Waiting for the next topic...

9:03 - Joe the Plumber is a nice personification of the "plain folks" propaganda technique. By the way, are we going to be able to call high-end anything "Cadillac" much longer?

9:06 - Oh Christ, here's the abortion topic! I know this is going to Supreme Court nominations. I think this is the most important issue not being discussed. Not because of abortion, though...but because Stevens, Ginsburg, and a couple of others don't have a lot of time left on this planet. Frankly, abortion as an issue is not that important to me. But, Supreme Court justices are.

9:11 - Obama, it's called statute of limitations, chucklehead. His story of Lucille (or whatever her name was) suing for equal pay was a red herring. Basically, Obama just gave away the game vis-a-vis judicial activism vs. strict Constitutionalists.

9:16 - Education...Obama being for charter schools is a good thing, as is McCain. Competition amongst K-12 schools is long overdue on a national basis.

9:23 - I think it looks like McCain is about to cry sometimes. He is a voracious note-taker.

9:26 - The closing statements are happening. I don't care. I think McCain did alright. Unfortunately, it's not nearly enough. He needed a knockout, and he didn't get it. But, he needed to give voters a reason to not vote for Obama, and to me, he didn't really do that.

9:29 - Obama just played his trump card, and why he is going to be the next President. Essentially he just equated McCain to the definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I think that resonates with people, even if the assertion that Bush=McCain is somewhat questionable.

10:07 - Watching the post-debate analysis, and I tend to agree that it would have been very difficult for McCain to "move the needle." That said, I also agree with some of the pundits that by not losing, Obama won. I think something really bad is going to have to happen to Obama for McCain to win.


Gino said...

live blogging is tricky.

i've never couraged up enough to try it.

Mike said...

Yeah, it wasn't planned. I wanted to post my thoughts while they were fresh in my head, and ended up live-blogging it after the debate was halfway done. It was interesting to do it though. I may give it another try election night.