Sunday, October 5, 2008

More cowbell

My last post was several weeks ago...for some reason, a request was made for more cowbell in the comments. It wasn't the guy pictured, but hey, he puts his pants on one leg at a time just like anyone. But, when his pants are on, he makes hits. When my pants are on, I sometimes blog.

Seriously, there are a couple of reasons I have not been blogging of late. First off, I am not sure what to write. I have to find a real niche, something that is interesting to me as well as the reader. I don't think I have found it yet.

Second, the big thing to be blogging about is the election. Frankly, I don't want to write about it that much because I don't really care for anyone running, including third parties. Barack Obama is going to win convincingly. If Indiana is in play, then I know it's pretty much over. I think it's going to take video of Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama in a room plotting the demise of the United States for John McCain to win...and Obama will still get Minnesota's electoral votes. Given my disdain for McCain (McCain-Feingold to me is defecating on the Constitution), frankly I will not be disappointed when he concedes. The GOP really screwed the pooch on this one. Is Barack Obama going to be a good president? I really don't think so. But, we haven't had a good president in many years, so we ought to be used to it. I am really cynical about this whole election cycle.

Anyway, I will do my best to post more often.

Note: I started this post a couple of days before I finished it (10/8).


Gino said...

yeah, i thought you quit on us.

as for politics, i avoid the hackery, and just comment on what i see.

Mr. D said...

Glad yer back, Seabiscuit.