Sunday, October 19, 2008

Will this escape scrutiny?

Tonight's episode of Family Guy had a plot with time travel and World War II. There were two instances of blatant leftist tripe. I know show creator Seth MacFarlane is a hardcore lefty, so this is to be expected. One was a shot at the war in Iraq, and the other one made my jaw drop. At one point in the episode, the characters drop a couple of Nazis in order to steal their uniforms and get entrance into a German operation. Stewie lifts the lapel of his uniform to reveal a McCain/Palin campaign button. Of course, the idea is that McCain and Palin are Nazis (or at least they have similar views). Now, we hear things like this all the time. My jaw dropped because of how blatant the writers were in doing it.

I'm not going to stop watching the show but good Lord, do we need to have constant politicking on shows that are not strictly political in nature? If someone had done a cartoon where a Soviet uniform revealed an Obama campaign button, it would be roundly denounced, and rightly so. But, my bet is we'll hear nary a peep about this (other than here, of course). You know, because comparing Republicans to Nazis is funny and accurate.


Mr. D said...

Maybe you should stop watching it, Mike. If you think that sort of thing is unacceptable, then you need to vote with your feet.

my name is Amanda said...

Hm, I had FG on tonight. I found the uranium/oil dig amusing, but I missed the McCain/Palin button, as I was also laptopping at the time. It probably would've shocked me; FG goes too far sometimes. *Some* media may make mention of it.

Mike said...

As you know, I try not to be perpetually offended, and I can't say I was actually offended by what I saw. I was just shocked that it was that blatant. Regardless, despite my disagreeing with Seth MacFarlane's worldview on many topics (I suspect not all though), the show is pretty damn funny to me. So, I am voting with my feet by continuing to watch it.

Thanks for stopping by! I enjoy your writing. You also seem to lead a much more interesting life than I do. Keep reading, eventually I may even post something you agree with.