Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stinger rant #1

Well, I have this space, and sometimes I will try to have reasoned commentary on what's happening in the world. Other times, I will enter the complaint department. Most of the time, it is admittedly petty crap that bugs me that I will rant about. Here is the first one.

I live near downtown Minneapolis, and work downtown, so I walk to work. Most times, this involves walking through the extensive skyway system. Sometimes, the skyways crossing streets are pretty open, meaning they are free-flowing. However, other times, there are doors interrupting. Here is what bugs me to no end: healthy people using the handicap button so that doors open automatically. Come on people, is it that hard to open a door? Are you that important that all doors ought to open for you without your help? I am so sick of these people who use this button when they are healthy!! I have ranted about this to people before, and many times they offer exceptions like, "What if my hands are full?" Frankly, I have no sympathy. Drop your bag, push or pull the door open, pick up your bag, and walk through!! It's that simple. If you are able-bodied, you can open a door! These buttons are for people who CAN'T open doors by themselves. You know, the handicapped. Hence, the symbol on the button.

I have a standing offer to anyone who feels they have to use that button. I will happily cripple you however you would like so that you HAVE to use it. Otherwise, open the door (and, if people are behind you, maybe you can even hold it for know, common courtesy). However, I imagine this will be something that I will just have to put up with because a lot of people, especially downtown workers, are self-important people who truly believe the rest of us are here to serve them.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

One caveat, dude - back in the day, when the kids were little, the handicap button was a godsend for us. I understand your point about able-bodied people carrying packages, but if you are dealing with squirmy little ones who might bolt if you set them down, having the option of opening those skyway doors with the handicap button was much appreciated.
