Monday, October 20, 2008

Requiem for a good drink for the underage

The year was 1993. Bill Clinton hadn't met his favorite intern yet. Brett Favre was just beginning his slow build towards greatness. The Spin Doctors still had a future. And, a clear alcoholic beverage that no self-respecting dude would ever admit to drinking came into being. Of course, most self-respecting guys don't admit to a lot of things they do, so that's irrelevant.

I remember when Zima came out. I was in high school, and had already developed a bit of a taste for beer, but not to the point it is now, so in the spring of 1994, some of us decided to try it. We got a guy to buy us a six-pack, and four of us drank it in about 15 minutes. That should tell you all you need to know. Four high school kids threw down a six-pack, and none of us got even close to drunk. But, Zima did appeal to a lot of us underage kids in the mid 90s.

Now, in 2008, MillerCoors has decided to end production of Zima. Sales are down (and probably have been since December 1994, around the last time I drank it). Zima is a lesson in novelty value wearing off quickly. I forgot it was still available. I don't recall it being available at the Coors brewery when I was out there this summer, so it's not like they were proud of it. So, the first malt beverage goes out with a whimper.


Gino said...

and there will still be some stuck in the back of the cooler 10 yrs from now, as even the remaining bottles will be forgotten.

Mike said...

Will they be as ubiquitous as old cans of Billy beer though? I have a can of Billy beer. I probably won't have a bottle of Zima.

Gino said...

i was a beer can collector, still am, but dormant the last 15yrs.

people thought old cans of billy were going to be worth something, and the collectors just LMAO at the thought.
the one thing that increases value, rarity, is non existent in the case of billy beer.
especially with all those dupes saving them.

Mike said...

I've heard that on the Billy cans. I just like having it because it's almost as old as I am (Ford was prez when I was born)...that, and Billy Carter amuses me (at least the footage I saw of him).