Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stinger rant #4

Guess what kids, it's time for another rant...this time, the subject of my ire are the McDonalds commercials that advertise cappucino sales at McDonalds restaurants. There are two I have seen. One has men, the other has women. Each starts with the two people speaking in a condescending tone about how McDonalds is now serving lattes. One then says, "that's...well, that's fantastic." Then they list off things they don't have to deal with anymore. The one I see more often has the two women. Here's how it goes:

"I don't have to listen to jazz all day long."
"I can read gossip magazines."
"I don't know how to speak French."
"I don't know where Paraguay is."

OK, what the hell is wrong with listening to jazz, not reading gossip magazines, and knowing how to speak French?!! It seems like the one woman is almost proud to not know where Paraguay is!!

Here it is, folks...IT IS NOT A BADGE OF HONOR TO BE STUPID!!!! You should not be proud to be ignorant!! Knowing things and listening to good music like jazz is not equivalent to being a coffee snob!!!

I hate how stupidity is celebrated in this country. These McDonalds commercials are a prime example of this.

As for me, I want to go to Common Roots cafe and discuss the political situation in Bangladesh with someone. Why? Because this is how I am going to protest the celebration of ignorance in those McDonalds commercials.

Here's the one with the dudes. This one is almost as bad.


my name is Amanda said...

So, you're saying you won't discuss the political situation in Bangladesh with me over a McGriddle?! You jazz-loving, coffee house-drinking, geographically-informed snob!


The "rejection of elitism" idea is a powerful tool, you know - the other side of acting "folksy"...I can think of a few elected officials who have successfully pandered to a majority this way! And one who didn't quite make it to the office of the VP.

Mr. D said...

Actually, if you're going to discuss politics at a McDonald's, I'd recommend any of the following countries:


Mmmm... McGriddles.

Mike said...

Amanda, that would be one of my favorite propaganda techniques, plain folks. It is used expertly by people like Strib columnist Nick Coleman.

The last time I was in McDonalds (24th and Nicollet), there was a dude ranting about something...I am not sure what, but it was something. Maybe it was Bangladesh. If you want to discuss Bangladesh at Mickey D's over a McGriddle, let me know. I'll just need some advance notice so I can remember what is happening over there besides extreme overpopulation.

Mark, if I am going to discuss Fridley politics, it's going to be at Burger King...over a BK Big Fish...preferably with the King himself.

Marge said...

Hold the tartar on the BK Big Fish, brusker!