Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More links

I added two links to the roll...

1. Truth v. the Machine: My brother (Mr. D) is doing more of his political blogging over there now. This is a good chance for him to get more people reading his stuff. Another conservative blog, this came from the ashes of Kennedy (as in Mark Kennedy) v. the Machine.

2. Badger Blog Alliance: They linked to me, so I link to them. Another group blog of conservative Wisconsin bloggers. It's a nice way to keep up with things back in my home state. Mostly political, but with room for other things (like people complaining about what is looking to be the second consecutive really really snowy winter over there).

As always, recommendations for additional blogs will be taken and considered.

1 comment:

my name is Amanda said...

Conservative blogs...I would comment on them more, if I felt I wasn't screaming into the wind. I like Mr. D's place; TvM looks like an acquired taste - for me, anyway. That said, as you link to Memeopolis, I cannot consider your taste anything less than impeccable.