Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baconfest Saturday

Today is truly one of the best days of the year, for today I, along with several work buddies, celebrate the greatest food known to man. That, my friends, is BACON!!! That's right, today is Baconfest. This year, it is being held in Minnetonka. Just the thought of sizzling bacon is making me want to throw down hundreds...nay, thousands of pieces of it. A bunch of us get together, eat bacon and food with bacon in it. Beers will be consumed as well I am sure. This is the fourth edition of Baconfest, and it will only get bigger and better.

You may not be able to be there with us, but if you have the means, I highly recommend you celebrate bacon with me today. Fry up a slice or 50. You can't go wrong with bacon!!


Marge said...

Happy Baconfest Saturday, Mikey! I know you had a blast and a feast. The Disco Party was very fun, too, but there was a conspicuous lack of bacon. What if both festivities merged? Imagine the baconriffic dancing that would occur!

my name is Amanda said...

So is today Heart Attack Sunday? :)

Mike said...

Marge, if bacon and disco got together, it would be like Reeses peanut butter cups. People would wonder why it took so long for them to get together.

Amanda, I am holding out for Heart Attack Tuesday. Tuesdays tend to suck for me, so if I am going to have a coronary, it would likely occur on that day.

Mr. D said...

Bacon is legal crack.