Saturday, March 29, 2008

Time to take a stand

Something that will probably surface over the time I do this blogging thing is my disdain for the environmental movement. Now, I think that improving the environment is a good thing, but the environmental movement seems to be centered around increased government presence in our lives and reducing property rights. Also, the scare tactics used by the greenies to get their agenda enacted bothers me. So, needling the greenies is something I will probably do from time to time.

With this in mind, I would like to call your attention to Earth Hour. Sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund, and promoted by the Sydney Morning Herald, Earth Hour entails all of us turning off the lights for an hour between 8:00 and 9:00 local time, to help conserve energy. This idea started in Australia, and has spread like wildfire around the world. I understand that even the city of Minneapolis is getting in on the act (hopefully they keep Phillips and most of the north side well-lit, given the crime rates in those areas).

I plan on taking a slightly different tack. I plan on turning on all my lights, charging my phone and iPod, watching TV, listening to the radio, surfing the Internet....and what the heck, turning on my air conditioning unit. So what if it's only 40 degrees outside in Minneapolis? I need to counteract all the heat generated by everything I own being on.

I feel I need to take a stand and do my part to counteract the silliness inherent in Earth Hour. If you agree, please feel free to use all the electricity you want, especially between 8 and 9 pm tonight. After all, you wouldn't want your favorite utility to suffer from less revenue, would you? Their employees have families too, you know.


Mr. D said...

Do you have a hair dryer? Make sure to crank that mother up, too, for the full hour.

Gino said...

brother, i am so into this idea.

maybe i'll do a post about it as well.