Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just when I thought I had nothing else to say...

...people start talking about suing regarding the unallotment process that Tim Pawlenty is doing to balance the state budget (you know, because the DFL-dominated Legislature passed budgets they knew had no chance of being enacted). Anyone in the viewing area of Twin Cities TV stations has seen story after story trotting out supposed victims of this process and how we are going to be absolutely devastated by this.

Anyway, if the Dems go forward, I can see the commercials now. "First, they try to push through tax hikes, but fail. Now, they are suing to raise your taxes." Frankly, I don't think that is an unfair assessment. So, while I believe a lot of people in this state are completely behind the idea of suing Pawlenty (or the state, however that would work), I believe most will see this as it is...a blatant attempt to circumvent an established process with the specific intention to derail any political advancement that may happen to Tim Pawlenty. They want his scalp.

UPDATE: OK, while I do think they want T-Paw's scalp, to say that is their specific intention is too conspiratorial. It is not their specific intention, but it is one of them, IMHO. I wonder though if they really think they are going to get another crack to raise taxes? Do they think if they win, they'll get to pass a budget and have it bypass the governor?

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

T-Paw called their bluff. I've seen the parade of victims all week and there will be other ostentatious shows of T-Paw's utter cruelty, but the world will go on. And because a large part of the DFL's belief system is telling the world that it can't go on without the assistance of the DFL, this is truly a crucial for the DFL, because a large part of the DFL enterprise is maintaining a client base of victims.

Suits won't go anywhere, of course. T-Paw had the explicit right to do what he did under the Minnesota constitution.

Nice to see you blogging a little again, good sir! Teh internets ache for you!