Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bad day to be a celebrity

Have to note the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Farrah Fawcett's peak of popularity happened before I was old enough to pay attention to such things as this poster. But, she had quite the career. I don't know enough about her life to say much, but she was beautiful.

I do remember Michael Jackson's peak of popularity though. I was just starting to pay attention to music when Thriller came out. It is hard to understate just how amazing this album is. There is not a bad song on here. There is not a merely OK song on it. Every song is at least good, and most are great to outstanding. He made iconic videos for this album, and really changed the music industry. He made two more solid albums, and then...well, let's not talk about that today. Despite those things we are not talking about, he was an excellent singer who made great music.



my name is Amanda said...

RIP indeed.

I'm a couple years younger than you, so the video for Thriller basically scared the living s*** out of me.

(Why was I watching MTV when I was 4? Where was the babysitter?!)

Mike said...

I recall being kinda spooked by the Thriller video the first time I saw it. I didn't know why Michael Jackson's eyes changed, but it was spooky to me. That was at age 7 (maybe 8). When we finally got cable a few years later, I saw the video again. It was pretty cool to see at age 12.

Speaking of videos, MTV was actually playing Michael Jackson videos. The last time MTV broke from its programming to play videos, IIRC, was 9/11.

Gino said...

i remember when MTV only played videos.

and i basically remember michael jackson being 'The Shit' my whole life. the jackson 5 hit big when i was about 6, and then everything just moved forward from there...

i was unusal, in that i never gave a damn about the jacksons, any of them. wasnt my style of music.

Mr. D said...

Good post - Gino and I are contemporaries, so I remember the Jackson 5 quite a lot, too. I enjoyed the music then, but I came to like the J5 and Jackson much better later on. And of course Michael Jackson owned 1983. But that was a long time ago.

my name is Amanda said...

I don't have MTV, but I'm happy to hear they were playing his videos as a tribute - the best kind of tribute I think, as the fortunes of MJ and MTZ each were intrinsically tied together.

Ah, the early 80s!

Gino said...

"Gino and I are contemporaries"

but i'm still younger. :)

Mr. D said...

And you always will be, Gino.