Monday, February 23, 2009

Adventures in being found

Last August, I blogged about joining Facebook. It has been an interesting exercise in reconnecting with people I hadn't seen in a long time. I went out for coffee with a classmate I hadn't seen since 1998 when I was home over the holidays. A couple of weeks ago, I almost got together with another friend who I hadn't seen since 2000 at her wedding. So, it has been a fun experience despite my misgivings at the beginning.

Today, I had a rather odd development. I had someone "friend" me who wasn't exactly friendly with me. Actually, he was one of the people who made my high school years pretty painful at times. In addition, the last few times I have seen this guy, he basically reverted to form. So, now I have a dilemma: do I accept this "friend," and ostensibly be the bigger person? Or, do I just ignore his request? This would be easy, but frankly things have been going well for me in life as of late, and I am in somewhat of a forgiving mood. But, frankly the guy was a jerk back in the day. And ultimately, what I do with this is not a big deal in the grand scheme...but, it is an interesting dilemma nonetheless.

So what do you think, folks??

Oh, a couple of people who read this may know exactly who I am talking about. For his sake and mine, I would ask that we not be Burl Ives in, don't name names.


Gino said...

ignore his request.

i had the same thing happen to me. the last time he and i spoke was 1982, not pleasant, and was one throw away from a full-on fight.

just a week before we were 'best buddies', and now others were keeping us apart for safety reasons.

this ass sent me two requests (with side notes), as if he was a long-lost friend or someone i just couldnt wait to talk to.

as far as i'm concerned, we are exactly as we left of,25+yrs ago: facing off, daring him to pick up the guantlet.

i take the word 'friend' to mean something. just ignore this guy. he aint your friend.

Mr. D said...

I'd agree with Gino. Life's too short to let weasels into your life. You have many real friends, good sir. Cherish them and don't worry about the others.

Nice Burl Ives reference, by the way.

my name is Amanda said...

Definitely ignore the request.

(Some who want to be sneaky can add as a friend, and then remove later; Facebook doesn't send a notification to the person who is removed. There's some Grade A Midwestern Passive Aggression for ya!)

Anonymous said...

I will not name the name, but can I drop a hint? E-mail me if I am on it. Is it Goat Lover? You know who I am talking about. Is it them? If it is then do not allow them on.

Mike said...

Thanks for the advice, y'all...really appreciated.

Gino - That's actually about where this dude and I are...except we were never really buddies.

Mark - I was going to say Burl Gilyard, but then I thought Tom Barnard might see it and get me for taking his schtick.

Amanda - You are correct in that friending him and dropping him is the true Midwestern way of doing things.

Prailbird - I will e-mail or call you about this.