Monday, August 18, 2008

They found me

Back in the day, I always joked that I would be amongst the hardest people in my class to locate for class reunion invites. I hardly talk to any of my high school friends anymore, and I don't live in the Appleton area, where most of my class still seems to live. I live "all the way in Minnesota." But, one of my friends who I do occasionally talk to texted me saying she wanted my address for a reunion invite. Keep in mind that I graduated in 1994, so the 15-year reunion isn't until next year. But, being that my class managed to not have a 10-year reunion, I can see that we want to plan better this time around. She also pretty much demanded that I join Facebook.

So, as part of this effort, I set myself up on Facebook (to my everlasting shame as I have not historically been a fan of social networking sites). I am amazed at how quickly people have found me. Dammit, one of the reasons I moved to Minnesota in the first place was to escape Kimberly, Wisconsin. On some levels, I wanted there to be an air of mystery amongst my former classmates. "What happened to Mike?" Well, now they will know. Of course, part of me would rather people find me here.

But strangely enough, I am glad these people have found me. It allows me to remember that, despite some hard times in high school, I did have some great times and had some great friends. If it takes joining something like Facebook to remember this, then so be it. Also, it is confirming something I pretty much already knew...I am amongst the last single people standing. Oh well. Anyone who knows me had to be pretty certain that was going to happen.

One other thing: I am hoping to get back to more regular blogging. There is a lot to talk about, so now is as good a time as any to get cracking again.

UPDATE: I guess I will have to change my byline now. Dang, it was a good one.

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