Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stinger rant #5

I commented on this post from Amanda lamenting Valentine's Day (a BS holiday if there ever was one), and inspiration struck!! I have a new rant!!

I hate jewelry store commercials. I pretty much hate them all. The message that a woman needs a rock to be happy is not a good one to be reinforced...but hey, do what you gotta do, that's cool. But, a special place in Hell is reserved for those chuckleheads at Jared (no I will not link to them...F them). For those pretentious gold-digging minxes in those commercials, the fact that they got a fat rock from some schlepp of a dude isn't enough. No, it's gotta be, "What's a thirteen-letter word for marriage proposal...he went to Jared!!" Or the other one, where the stupid chick texts her friends with the checklist of what her boyfriend brought. Roses, some other thing, and "He went to Jared!!"

Ladies, please tell me that you wouldn't actually know a ring or necklace or bracelet by where it was purchased.

You know what, Jared can bite me. Here's a memo to any woman I may date in the may get a rock out of me, but IT WILL NEVER, EVER COME FROM JARED!!! It probably won't come from Kay either. They are almost as bad.

Jewelry stores suck, but Jared is the worst.


Marge said...

"I don't like those chain stores at all... Let's go to Kreuger Jewelers, Let's get away from the mall!"

Take THAT, Jared!

my name is Amanda said...

Wow, I get a blog comment, a shout out, AND my blog helped inspire a rant! I'm quite proud at the moment.

Dude, I HATE those commercials. So much. In fact, I wouldn't marry man who buy me a ring from "Jared" (or like you said, any of those other mass market gross chains with the commercials)! (A precaution to this will be fair warning, should possible future husband approach ill-advised ring territory.) And no, women can't really recognize whether someone "went to Jared." Blech. Independent jewelers is where it's at - often better quality. Well, independent jewelers - and Tiffany's.

Some people buck the ring trend. Some people buck the "diamond" trend (which I've thought about, for that stroke of semi-originality). It's dumb that people feel compelled to go along with this tradition, possibly against their inclination. Unfortunately for the exceptional individuals who dislike the ring idea, many people consider it a statement to society of the couple's mutual affection. As in, for the woman, her worth to him, and for the man, his claim on her. I know - totally sexist and gross. Still, I would want one.

Mr. D said...

Good rant. As usual, your big brother has a solution.

See, ya gotta buy yer ring from the wholesalers. Go to Chicago and check the upper floors of the non-descript office buildings on Wabash Avenue, near the El tracks. They can sell a bunch of rings to Jared at a volume discount, or they can sell to you directly at a slightly higher markup. You still don't have to pay Jared and you get the same ring. That's where I got Jill's ring. She even picked it out.

When the time comes, I'll bet you can find some guys like that here in Mpls, too.

To do it any other way would be, well, meshuga.

Mike said...

Marge - Now there's a jewelry store I can get behind. The best part of that is that the Appleton store is at Northland Mall.

Amanda - Thank God! Ultimately, I wouldn't buck the ring trend unless it was mutually agreed to, but like I said, I am definitely not going to Jared (or Zales, or Kay)

Mark - So solution-oriented. That's a good thing.

Funny, the word verification I have is "boozes."