Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Periodic lapses in posting...

...are a part of what makes Stinger Nation what it is. Right now, I am having one of those lapses. Don't feel like commenting on political matters. Don't feel like commenting on sports matters, although Michael Phelps sucking on a water bong is kinda funny. Dude, you gotta get the one-hitter that looks like a cigarette. Remember though, when you buy it, it's for tobacco use only. I'm not into the moral outrage some are expressing over this. It's not like he was huffing glue or riding the white horse. I know I know, he's supposedly a role model. Well, maybe he's just a 23-year old kid who likes to let loose every once in awhile. I'm not worried about it.

Anyway, I am going out of town (gonna celebrate some birthdays and go watch the Bucks get slaughtered by Detroit). So, posting may continue to be light. Or maybe not. You never know when inspiration strikes.

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