Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Biden time...

So it looks like VP speculation is starting to veer towards Delaware senator Joe Biden. This is an interesting pick to me. Joe Biden became a senator when Barack Obama was 12, so he's been around. Biden spent his weekend in Georgia. There is a school of thought that Biden is too much of an insider, but I think Obama needs someone with more experience (especially on foreign policy) to run with him. I don't think Biden would be my first choice. But, Obama could have done worse.

The reason this is interesting though is because it does nothing to change the electoral math. Delaware was going for Obama anyway. I thought someone like Senator Evan Bayh (D-Indiana) would have been a better choice, if only because it potentially would have put Indiana more into play. Also, Bayh is not as liberal as Obama. He would have served as a balance in a different way.

As it is, if Biden is the guy, it gives more experience to the ticket, but not more electoral votes. It will be interesting to see who John McCain eventually picks.

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