Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin

I haven't commented on John McCain's pick of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his pick for VP yet. I think my brother had a pretty good assessment of the pick over at his place. McCain really shook up the game with this pick, and blunted a lot of the momentum Barack Obama had post-convention. There is an argument that it was a token pick, and I can why one could make that point. However, it's still a good pick. Honestly, I have not been enthusiastic about McCain, and a lot of me still isn't because of that wretched piece of crap McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill. McCain has not earned my vote yet. But, having someone like Palin makes the ticket more palatable for me. She is not going to wilt in front of Joe Biden, and she has a rep as a reformer up in Alaska. This goes well with the whole CHAAAAAAAAAAANGE thing that seems to be the thing in this election.

Hat tip to Power Line for the reference to the Heather MacDonald piece.

UPDATE: Apparently Hillary Clinton is not happy with the pick...which is to be expected. The money quote from that article is from John Kerry, who posited that women aren't going to be "seduced" by the Palin pick. Nice choice of terms there, Senator. Of course, no woman would vote for McCain/Palin of their own volition, so they have to be "seduced."

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