Monday, August 4, 2008

Kinda quick takes

I am back...sorta. Still waiting for our cable company to come through for me, but in the meantime, a couple of things happening rate mention:

First, Brett Favre is back in Green Bay...for now. I am not sure how this is going to shake out, but this whole situation has been nothing but crap. I am convinced that Deanna Favre is behind Brett's return, as well as Bus Cook. I think both of these leeches realized the gravy train was about to end, so they nagged and cajoled Favre into coming back. While I don't think it will happen, if Favre forces a trade to the Vikings, Favre is dead to me. If NFL Commissioner Roger Goddell forces a trade like this, the NFL is dead to me...seriously. I have no interest in a league that would screw over my beloved Packers by handing a guy like Favre to our biggest rival (sorry Chicago, you are not it for now).

Second, some devastating news for Kimberly, Wisconsin, where I pretty much grew up. The mill that started Kimberly (a company town named after the left half of Kimberly-Clark) is closing. NewPage decided to close the mill because it didn't make its own pulp. Now, I am not personally associated with the mill, but I am positive I know many people who work there. 475 jobs are a lot in a town of 6,000. Thankfully, Kimberly is becoming more of a suburban town than a company town, but still, this is going to hurt for a long time. I'm sorry to see it go.

Third, the chess match in Congress over offshore drilling is fascinating. The GOP (including John Kline, R-MN2) is trying to demand a vote on a bill that would allow offshore drilling for oil, which is ostensibly being held up by Nancy Pelosi, who is apparently trying to single-handedly save the planet. Although, her efforts may not be enough according to the perpetually silly Paul Krugman. Oh well, at least Al Gore got his child off the planet. Seriously, I think that the idea that exploring energy alternatives and drilling for oil is a zero-sum game is ridiculous. Yes, we do need to find another way to power our world. But until then, we need cheaper oil.


Gino said...

i'm not at all convinced we *need* to find an alternative.

when oil gets truly scarce, which it wont for a long time, the price will naturally rise on its own accord, and with it, an alternative will develope.

just as oil emerged as the alternative to horses.
and electricity replaced wax candles.

its not politically correct, but it IS history.

Mike said...

Yeah, I'll give you the point on the "need" thing. I do think there is going to be a day of reckoning on oil, but not anytime soon. There's plenty of it out there. Hopefully, by the time we get to that point on oil, your point will be shown to be correct. For now, oil is the best option.