Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Making hay out of swine flu

Mr D. had a post lambasting Chuck Schumer for trying to blame the GOP for the swine flu outbreak, and rightly so, especially given the facts on the ground. Well, as we know, stupidity reigns on both sides of the aisle. Our friend Michelle Bachmann is popping off again, noting the supposed coincidence that the Dems were in power last time there was a swine flu outbreak. Now, I am no expert on American history, but I am pretty sure Gerald Ford was president in 1976, when this happened. It was one line, but still....

News flash to Sen. Schumer and Rep. Bachmann...viruses are apolitical. One other thing...when you pop off, know that people are going to check on what you say. Make sure you know your stuff.

Here is the video in question. In fairness, Bachmann did alright on other issues discussed. Calling out the environmental movement is rarely a bad idea. In addition, she has a point about doing a cost-benefit analysis of such things a cap-and-trade. But again, get your basic facts right.


my name is Amanda said...

...The melting NORTH POLE is apolitical. The melting glaciers across the world are apolitical.

I would start talking about Bachmann, but she honestly disgusts me so much, I'd rather not fling all the negativity on your blog, Mike. Suffice it to say, I find everything she says extremely vague and unfounded, and her pathetic attempts to draw speculation to the "evilness" of the Democrat party only further reveal the depths of her ignorance.

Mike said...

Sorry, but the enviromental movement is most certainly political. Any time government gets involved in things, it invariably becomes political. Nature itself is apolitical. But, when we ask the government to impose solutions to a problem, it becomes political.

Thanks for the restraint on Bachmann. ;)

Mr. D said...

Michele Bachmann is an acquired taste, I guess. Look at it this way, Amanda -- she gives a lot of local bloggers material. You've got Dump Bachmann, Bachmann Watch and probably a dozen other sites that do nothing more than heap calumnies on her. So I don't think she'll be especially concerned if you join in that chorus.

Anyway, over on the starboard side we can have at least as much fun laughing at Betty McCollum.
The Minnesota Congressional Delegation -- something for everyone!

my name is Amanda said...

I know Mike, but where money and industry is involved, how does one not bring the government into it? Anyway, I continue to be ASTOUNDED by the fact that people don't believe the environment is in any danger.

Mr. D - I heartily *do not care* whether Bachmann herself notices any further, highly deserved lambasting from myself! But I occasionally feel compelled to help aid in the burden of exposing the idiocy behind her senseless ranting. (In my blog.) Her constituents need to stop being lazy in politics, and wake up.

Mr. D said...

Hey Amanda,

Go for it! Swing from the heels! Bashing politicians is good for the soul!

Anonymous said...

Oh Nos both poles are teh melting. Man is to blame, film at eleven. We had better shut down all business right now. We should really do it before right now. Everyone will be out of work, but all plants and animals will be safe. They will be safe for now until all of the conservatives, republicans, and everyone else on the right can figure out another way to destroy them for money. Money is bad and that is why all of the lefties want to have the feds take it because they will know how to better spend it than those that earn it. They can also give it to those that will try to never earn any of it.