Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nausea, here I come

This is a microcosm of why I sometimes really really hate Minnesota. "Look at us, we're so much better than you. We have a smoking ban, and you don't." Just another example of a superiority complex this state has, which is pretty much without merit. By the way, beating your neighbors to creating a full-on nanny state is nothing to be proud of, Minnesota.

If I had the dough, and if the Bible-thumping do-gooders wouldn't get all angry, I would put up a billboard on the east side of the St. Croix River with a big middle finger aimed at Minnesota. Perhaps putting a Super Bowl ring or three on it would make it better.

1 comment:

Gino said...

getting the thumpers all worked up would be a good thing.

they would protest, the media would show up, and you would be on The Factor explaining yourself, and the message would get out.
