Tuesday, April 8, 2008

4 AM boozin,' for our elephant friends

I have to say that I am very surprised that this might happen in a state where not too long ago, bar time was 1 AM. There is a possibility that bar time will be pushed to 4 AM around the time of the GOP Convention in St. Paul late this summer.

Given the tee-totaling history of this state, with its 3.2 beer and no liquor sales on Sundays, one wouldn't think this would even be a possibility. But, here it is. I for one will do my darndest to take advantage of this rule at least once, despite my having nothing to do with the convention.

Are Republicans big partiers? Are people like James Dobson, Gary Bauer, Pat Robertson, and the like going to be kicking it at Billy's on Grand until 4 AM? I guess we just might see.

Actually, the really interesting thing to potentially see will be if drunk GOPers and drunk lefty protesters will have any drunken brawls at 4:30 in the morning....

1 comment:

Mr. D said...

Give that man a cigar.

The problem with the 4 a.m. thing isn't the Republicans. They won't be out boozing because they have work to do. It's those trust fund anarchists, who will have plenty of money and attitude, that will be causing the problem. People like Dave Thune can't admit that, but that's the issue.