Saturday, July 12, 2008

Please release me, let me go

Brett Favre wants his unconditional release now, which pretty much means he wants to play in 2008. I was going to post something more substantive about this, but Mr D. summed up my feelings on the matter. Good thing, because if I had posted about this before now, this would have been an angry tirade. This situation still upsets me, but sobering up after a night out has a way of calming people down.

Sorry Queens fans, your 16-year wet dream about Favre in purple isn't happening. You're going to sink or swim (hopefully sink) with T-Jack.

UPDATE: This post on JSOnline from Tom Silverstein explains the situation pretty well. The comments are a great glimpse into the two sides of this issue (pro-Favre/pro-Packers).

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