Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sweeps, meets, and other stuff (or, how was your weekend, Stinger?)

I had a good Memorial Day weekend. Not as good as these two, but still pretty decent (BTW, congratulations!).

While those two were getting married, I took my nephew and niece to a Brewers game against the Twins. While the Twins won, I had fun with them anyway. For me, it was something new. I had never taken them anywhere without at least one of their parents. I had never gone anywhere with kids being the adult in charge before. I have to admit to being a little scared at the idea, but I think it went well. It helps that they are not little kids anymore.

The next day, I met this guy. I enjoyed hanging out with him (as well as Mr. D) at MOA, and it was nice to meet one of the first supporters of this little adventure. A little heavy on the Bears gear, but hey, nobody's perfect. We saw something that was pretty shocking when we were there, but I am sure Gino will fill us in himself (he took video and everything).

Interspersed with these activities were a couple of nights out in the Warehouse District and another Twins win over my Brewers. I have a theory on why the Twins seem to beat the Brewers with regularity (and no, it's not because the Brewers suck). I may have to put my theory out there for peer review.


Mr. D said...

It was a lot of fun and I'm glad that you were able to come out and meet Gino, Mike. And also that you were willing to babysit so we could go to Ben and Faith's wedding.

So tell me about this theory of yours in re the Brewers....

Gino said...

it was good to meet you and have some laughs. thats for sure.

btw: my finger nail is still shiny. how bout yours?

you shoulda got her #,i tell ya.
shoulda got her #...

Anonymous said...

My children. No.

Mike said...

Uh, OK.