Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Street lights, people...oh-oh-ohhhhhhhhh!!!

Just saw this article talking about the rise of "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey back into American conciousness. I don't know that you can really pinpoint when this song became what it is today. My guess is that it happened the same way Pabst Blue Ribbon became popular unexpectedly a few years ago...as a joke.
It is undeniable that this song is everywhere...also this song. I can't wait until they really try to make grunge songs into sports anthems next decade.


my name is Amanda said...

Haha! Love the photo. I'm not sure, Mike, but I think the "Sopranos" finale was either a contributor, or early proof of the trend!

Mr. D said...

Amanda is right. Blame the Sopranos.

And for the record, Journey sucks.

Mike said...

Oh, The Soprans finale definitely has something to do with it.

That photo was taken near my apartment in June. They just painted over the "don't" and "believing" a couple of weeks ago.

Gino said...

living on a prayer may be the anthem for the vikings this season.